Saturday, March 21, 2009

Fear, Hope, and death.

I have not slept for a couple of nights.

Andd not because of parties.

I have been too afraid to. At twenty years old I am suddenly afraid of the dark. I cannot move, I find myself crying. All of this arose after I saved my brothers life the other night.

He is a insulin dependent diabetic, a couple nights ago he worked out and went to bed. Not realizing that he had given himself some insulin which now because of the exercise would be drastically more potent. Around this same time I was up playing guitar and watching television. Getting ready for bed. Thank God I had a small dinner because I came out of my room and got a snack. Since I was up I heard my brothers bed squeaking. He was dying. His blood sugar had sunk to a level that his body was failing on him. His brain in distress was having a seizure.

I opened the door to his room, he looked at me. With eyes filled with fear he tried to say help. As he did this his jaw clamped shut his eyes rolled to the back of his head and blood poured out of his mouth. I yelled so loudly I felt something pulled out of place in my throat. My mom and I administered an emergency hormone shot which temporally releases sugar from the liver and he was conscious enough to get some food in his system.

I saved his life, he tells me this every time a relative calls to speak to him about his hospital stay.

These words fill me with utter fear. I am so horrified of his mortality. I cannot sleep.

After going to confession today and speaking with a priest at my Catholic church, I felt hope. The fear vanished for a while and I got to thinking about fear and hope.

These two emotions are constant they stay with us until the day we die. Emotions are like being wet. There is a degree of wetness, as well as many many many different conotations, and implications which come from being wet and or having an emotion. But fear and hope are some of the most primal and early developed emotions, along with joy.

This year I have heard fear and hope brought up during all aspects of my life. Politics obviously, religion, family, all my hobbies, and yes you guessed it during discussions of music.

Why? because I believe these two emotions strike the spirit not the heart of a person. Fear and hope set the tone of all our sadness and happiness in life. Imagine eating a cup cake if you had no hope of ever eating one again? Or eating the same cup cake if you had a fear of cup cakes? The happiness/sadness that arose from the first example would be intensified, while the happiness/sadness which arises from the second would be numb by the fear which is overtaking the spirit and mind.

Hope is reassurance of action, while fear is a call to action.

I have hope so I can continue to live my life. While fear freezes me until I have reached a point to decide on an action.

Sadly my hope is vanishing with each minute. Now it is dark. I am afraid.

I wonder what action should I take?

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Blink 182 Oppinions wanted!!!

After long consideration I'm not sure which song to learn...So it's down between these two songs both by Blink 182.

First this one

and this one Always, I already know I Miss You

Soooo what song guys??? I'm not sure :/

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Not music but Hilarious

The can omg omg omg omg omg

Big mac rap lmao


Funiest one

Great how to video

This is an example of a great how to video. The reasons why I like this one are, one because he goes slowly in logical parts, two the video is of good enough quality so that viewers can make out what he is doing with his hands, and lastly hes not full of himself. He really has a humble approach to teaching. It appears to me that he is not doing this to pat himself up on the back, but rather, he seems like he genuinely is doing the video to teach..

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Taught by Youtube

Andrew Keen, holds that we learn bad info from the web. He says that the web is corrupting our minds with inaccurate knowledge posted by amateurs.

Like all overbearing statements, this is one which does not hold true. But it does have some validity to it. There are people who know nothing, and posted on subjects with faulty information.

However, I am an avid youtube user. My main reason for using youtube is to learn new techniques and or songs.

I think Andrew Keen overlooked something that is vital for the learning process. That is peer instruction. There are certain aspects of learning, such as guitar skill mastery. Which need peers in order to be achieved. It is the multiple permutations of method, the countless ways to achieve one thing, which cannot be learned without peers.

When I look up a cover, i'm not looking for entertainment, or having the song played perfectly by a master guitarist. I am looking to see how a peer solved the same problem which I am facing. Hoping that by seeing their solution I will learn some tid bits of clues as to how to do this my self.

I think youtube is a valuable learning tool. If we break it down, people don't always learn in the same ways. Some learn by hearing, some by practice, others by theory, and lastly some by visual example. Youtube provides with three of those different ways of learning.

In conclusion, youtube is not a textbook, but it helps people to learn in ways textbooks cannot.

Some more guitar terms :PP

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Andrew Keen is an author, I hate his views. His book "The Cult Of The Amateur" infuriates me to a irate rage. In his book he bashes amateur musicians amongst many others. Today, as I happily checked out some new songs to learn, I was disturbed to find that he actually persuaded me into agreeing with him. Maybe he was right. Maybe one of these guys should NEVVERRRR EEVERRR TOUCH A GUITAR AGAIN. If he does, I hope his computer breaks and he won't be able to post his vid.

wOW!!!! So much HaTe..I know..don't lose faith in me yet these two guitar covers, and compare the quality. One, I consider art. The other, well it's horrible trash. Sadly youtube is flooooooded with this type of crap. But maybe i'm being to harsh. What do you guys think?

I'm so sorry you had to watch the second one. Dios mio!!!! Why is he shirtless????
I am open minded, I understand better than most that when home it should be okay to be shirtless. Hell if your home you should be able to walk around naked. But, if you are gonna put up a video of yourself. Keep some sort of self respect.

Moving on to the music, why did he put up this video? Seriously, I don't know. Was he showing skill? Some sort of new way of playing this song? Did he even play the song!??? I'm not sure that counts as him playing the song!!!

Here we have on the first video, a unpopular bands song. Being rendered artistically. Then we have a flipping Guns & Roses song being destroyed by amateurism.

I hate to say it, sometimes its best to keep the amateurs out. This is why people hate NOOBs. That guy is a NooB. He is the definition of a NoObbbb. Noobs ruin anything for everyone every time.